Nailed It!

Rømmegrøt, also known as rømmegraut is a porridge eaten in Norway. It is traditionally made with sour cream (rømme in Norwegian) and can be served as a main dish with cured meat (like ham) and Norwegian flat bread.
***Apparently what this recipe makes is actually called fløyelsgrøt, which translates to “milk mush/porridge”. Real rømmegrøt is made with cream or sour cream, but in the Scandinavean areas in rural Minnesota/North Dakota, this rendition seems to be accepted as rømmegrøt.
My dad who has a strong Norwegian heritage grew up eating rømmegrøt, so when I saw there was an easy recipe to make in the microwave, I had to try it! It was a huge success and he said it was just like his grandma used to make and was surprised you could use milk instead of cream! Mine turned out a little bit lumpy but it didn’t bother anyone. My kids even gobbled it up!
*4 cups milk
*1 cup butter
*1 cup flour
*1⁄4 cup sugar (or to taste)
*3⁄4 teaspoon salt (or to taste…I only did a little dash)
Click here for the directions
I first heard about it on Facebook where my friend posted a recipe, but it wasn’t hard to find it on Pinterest with a quick search! Here is the pinned post where you can find the rest of the recipe! Easy Microwave Rommegrot
There are only 6 ingredients! I recommend this recipe if you are wanting some warm comfort food!

Let me know if you have any other suggestions in the comments section, or how it turned out if you tried it!