Failed it!

Ha! The link promises they taste like candy and are better than Twizzlers (which happens to be my favorite candy)!?!?
I followed the directions, except my strawberries were HUGE so I cut them into smaller pieces. I left one smaller one whole so I could make sure I didn’t “ruin” them by cutting them. I baked them for 3 hours at 210 degrees like it said…. and they turned out still juicy and mostly very sour and a horrible texture! Very disappointing. Even my daughter who loves strawberries wouldn’t eat them because they were “too sour” and she wanted a fresh one.
They might have tasted better if I would have left them in a lot longer so they were more gummy like other “dried” fruits? Maybe my oven temp isn’t correct. Something went terribly wrong, and they turned out like this…. half cooked, soggy strawberries.
Here is the original pin and link. The other strawberry ideas in the link look delicious (I don’t even see the dehydrated strawberries in the link)!